2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title | Submitter | On Behalf of | Position | City or Organization | Meeting | Committee |
Testimony | Jinoo Hwang | Lane County Bar Association | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Martha Walters | Oregon Judicial Department | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Chris Wig | Emergence Addiction and Behavioral Therapies | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Jennifer Kimble | Jennifer Kimble | Support | Prineville | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Jay McAlpin | Lane County Circuit Court | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Jeslyn Everitt | Lane County Women Lawyers | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Kathleen Johnson | Douglas County Circuit Court | Support | Roseburg | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Presiding Judge Annette Hillman | Support | Twenty-Second Judicial District | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary | |
Testimony | Kari Hathorn | Support | Crook County District Attorney | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary | |
Testimony | Caitlin Plummer | Lane County Public Defenders and District Attorney | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Judge Jay McAlpin | Support | Lane County Circuit Court | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary | |
Testimony | Karen M. Stenard | Lane County Juvenile Lawyers Association | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Sally Anderson Hansell | Anderson Hansell PC | Support | Hermiston | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Cadence L. Whitely | Dole Coalwell Attorneys | Support | Roseburg | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Daniel J. Hill | Sixth Judicial District Circuit Courts | Support | Pendleton | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Erin A. Fennerty | Lane County Family Law Advisory Committee | Support | Eugene | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Michael Wetzel | Fifth Judicial District Clackamas County | Support | Oregon City | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Celinda A. Timmons | Umatilla County Board of Commissioners | Support | Pendleton | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Letter | Maureen McGee | Oregon Association of Defense Counsel | Support | Salem | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Matthew Shields | Oregon State Bar | Support | OSB | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Vanessa Cornwall | Lane County Board of Commissioners | Support | Lane County | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Testimony | Meagan Flynn | Support | Oregon Judicial Department | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Presentations Displayed in Committee
Title | Submitter | Meeting | Committee |
SB 95 - Judge Jay McAlpin (presentation) | Jay McAlpin, Judge, Lane County Circuit Court | 2/24/2025 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Floor Letters
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