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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Sue Craig Myself Oppose Eugene 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Celeste Wolf Myselft Oppose Hllsboro 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony annie capestany Oppose portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Andrew Simrin Oppose Eugene 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Alex Sifford Oppose NESKOWIN 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Jennifer James-Long Oppose Eugene 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Alan Journet Southern Oregon Climate Action Now Oppose Jacksonville 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Alan Journet Southern Oregon Climate Action Now Oppose Jacksonville 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Daniel Meek Oregon Progressive Party Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Deborah Ferrer Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network - COIN Oppose The Dalles 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Max Menchaca Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Jane Civiletti Oppose Oak Grove 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony D Torres Support Southern Oregon 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Larry Sipe Oppose Salem 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Judy Wilder Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Sue Mandeville Oppose Springfield 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Richard Wisner Support Siletz 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Amanda Duncan Climate Reality Project Portland Chapter Oppose Beaverton 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Diana Richardson Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Susan Haywood Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony John Ullman Oppose Portland OR 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Kyenne Williams Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Debra Higbee Oppose Eugene 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Peter Bergel Oregon PeaceWorks Oppose Salem 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony George B Hutchinson Oppose Corvallis 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Regna Merritt Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Kim D Oppose Salem 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony John Perona Support Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Dirk Dunning Neutral Salem 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Pat DeLaquil Oppose Gresham 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Jennifer Joly OMEU Support OR Municipal Electric Utilities Assn 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Lloyd Marbet OCF and the Prrogressive Party Oppose Boring 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Cheryl L Ford Oppose Milwaukie 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Tonia Twigger Oppose West Linn 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Michael Brainard Support North Bend 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Kelly Campbell Columbia Riverkeeper Oppose Columbia Riverkeeper 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Sarah Chaney Oppose Corvallis 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Laurie Dougherty Oppose Salem 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Kathleen Boylan Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Karyn Jones Oppose Hermiston Pendleton 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Linda Marie Richards Oppose Corvallis 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony George A. Plummer Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Edward Kice self Oppose The Dalles 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Saundra Kice self Oppose The Dalles 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Steven Mueller Oppose Eugene 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Carolyn Wright Oppose The Dalles 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Judy Todd Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony D Torres Support Southern Oregon 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Bill Bold Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony ALDENE MCCAW Support ROSEBURG 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Adriana Deligio Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Nancy Morris Oppose Shoreline 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Trygve Steen Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Jaelle Dragomir Oppose Medford 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Casey Kulla Oregon Wild Oppose Dayton 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Alan Journet Southern Oregon Climate Action Now Oppose Jacksonville 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Alison Cole Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Theodora Tsongas Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Elaine Lavington Support ROSEBURG 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Cathryn Chudy Oregon Conservancy Foundation Oppose OCF 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Cathryn Chudy Oregon Conservancy Foundation Oppose OCF 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Kathy Ging Oppose Eugene 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Bonnie McKinlay self Oppose PORTLAND 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Bonnie New Oppose Hood River 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Nikole Young Support Clatskanie 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Stacey Holeman Oppose The Dalles 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Martha Izenson Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Neutral Umatilla Indian Reservation 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Ann Turner Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Joyce Follingstad Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Nancy Morris Oppose Shoreline 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Theodora Tsongas Oppose Portland 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony Cherice Bock Oppose 350PDX 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Letter Nancy Morris Oppose Shoreline 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
 Testimony David Wall Mr Oregon OPPOSES SB 635 Oppose Newberg 3/10/2025 Senate Committee On Energy and Environment
Presentations Displayed in Committee

No items to display.

Floor Letters

No items to display.


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  • Identifying information provided by the submitter on the Submit Public Testimony form determines the submission title and the submitter associated with the testimony/input file in OLIS. The Oregon Legislature makes no claims that information entered on this form is valid or accurate.
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