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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Christine Borden Support Portland 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Scott Winkenweder Support McMinnville OR 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Kaylee Knowles Support Portland 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Donna Bleiler Oppose Salem 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Alan Journet Southern Oregon Climate Action Now Support Jacksonville 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Jan Zuckerman Support Portland 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony lynn handlin Support Happy Valley 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Andrew Simrin Support Eugene 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Frazier Willman American Forest and Paper Association Oppose District of Columbia 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Rachel Freed Oppose Bend 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Richard Wisner Oppose Siletz 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Allen Hallmark Support Medford 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Brooke Crouch Support Portland 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Coreal Riday-White Center for Climate Integrity Support Eugene 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Brennan Georgianni Oppose American Cleaning Institute 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Marilyn Costamagna Support Medford 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Michael Freese Food Northwest Oppose Yamhill 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Danny Noonan Sierra Club and 350PDX Support Breach Collective 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Beth Mulvihill Oppose Sunriver 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Stephanie Young Support Portland OR 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Arman Kluehe Oppose Redmond 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Tyler Gilmore Support Portland 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Daniel Meek Oregon Progressive Party Support Portland 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Nels Johnson NW Natural Oppose Portland 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Cherice Bock Support 350PDX 2/26/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
Presentations Displayed in Committee

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Floor Letters

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