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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Kym Housley Oppose Junction City 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Kelsey Wood Gordon Wood Insurance and Financial Services Oppose Winchester 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Cheri Rosenberg Oppose Pendleton Chamber of Commerce 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Vonnie Mikkelsen Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Oppose Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Letter Ryan Chieffo Standard Insurance Company Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Suzanne Veaudry Casaus MESO Support Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Melisa Runyan Oppose Molalla 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Caleb Runyan Oppose Oregon city 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Ivo Trummer Oppose SAIF Corporation 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Laurie Farwell Cundari Insurance Agency Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Angie Cearley Cundari Insurance Agency Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Barry Alley Oppose Beaverton 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony DIANE TREADWAY Support Redmond 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Dennis Dietz Support Beaverton 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Karen Saxe Support DevNW 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Tiffany Edwards Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce Oppose Eugene 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Mary Anne Cooper Health Insurer Coalition Letter Oppose Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony David Schwieger Oppose Eugene 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Leslie Wu Support Oregon Department of Justice 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Fawn Barrie Oregon Liability Reform Coalition Oppose Salem 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Derek Sangston Oregon Business and Industry Oppose Salem 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Anthony Smith NFIB Oppose NFIB 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Isis Thornton-Saunders Neutral Professional Insurance Agents of Oregon 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Doug Heller Support Consumer Federation of America 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Letter Sara Odendahl Bend Chamber and EDCO Oppose Bend 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Jagjit Nagra Support Oregon Consumer Justice 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Blake Ettestad Oppose Bend 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Brenna Stevens OSPIRG Support Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Tim Cundari Cundari Insurance Agency Oppose Portland and Bend 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Jordan Cundari Cundari Insurance Agency Oppose Bend 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Megan Quintrell Support Consumer Alliance of Oregon 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Jennifer Hill-Hart Oregon CUB Support Oregon Citizens' Utility Board 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Mark Bonanno Oppose Oregon Medical Association 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Michelle Druce Oregon Consumer League Support Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Ian Kyle Oppose Oregon Land Title Association 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Nansi Lopez Support Centro Cultural 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Sue Long Support Tillamook 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Mike Leib Support Hillsboro 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Mike McKoen Support Merrill 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Jennifer Harvey Support Lake Oswego 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Tyler Staggs Support Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Bernadette Harrington Support Lake Oswego 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Justice Rajee Support Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Johnny Owens Support Baker City 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Alisha Sanchez Machic Support Portland 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Kenton Brine NW Insurance Council APCIA and NAMIC Oppose Olympia 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Report Denni Ritter Oppose American Property Casualty Insurance Association 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Letter Ruby Olson SB 174 Oppose Eugene 3/5/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
Presentations Displayed in Committee

No items to display.

Floor Letters

No items to display.


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