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2025 Regular Session
Assigned Measures
Bill Meeting Type Upcoming Meeting Date & time Location Current Location In Committee
HB 2019 In House Committee
HB 2069 In House Committee
HB 2195 In House Committee
HB 2226 In House Committee
HB 2227 In House Committee
HB 2250 PUB 3/19/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HB 2431 In House Committee
HB 2433 In House Committee
HB 2434 In House Committee
HB 2435 In House Committee
HB 2436 In House Committee
HB 2439 In House Committee
HB 2442 In House Committee
HB 2443 In House Committee
HB 2444 In House Committee
HB 2454 In House Committee
HB 2525 In House Committee
HB 2692 In House Committee
HB 2704 In House Committee
HB 2727 In House Committee
HB 2782 In House Committee
HB 2821 In House Committee
HB 2836 In House Committee
HB 2848 In House Committee
HB 2850 In House Committee
HB 2870 In House Committee
HB 2922 In Senate Committee
HB 2923 In House Committee
HB 2927 In House Committee
HB 2928 In House Committee
HB 2930 In House Committee
HB 2932 In House Committee
HB 2951 In House Committee
HB 2952 In House Committee
HB 3012 In House Committee
HB 3098 In House Committee
HB 3130 In House Committee
HB 3152 In House Committee
HB 3164 In House Committee
HB 3166 PUB 3/19/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HB 3270 In House Committee
HB 3302 In House Committee
HB 3317 In House Committee
HB 3328 In House Committee
HB 3382 In House Committee
HB 3383 In House Committee
HB 3384 In House Committee
HB 3385 In Senate Committee
HB 3386 In Senate Committee
HB 3387 In House Committee
HB 3388 In House Committee
HB 3389 In House Committee
HB 3390 In House Committee
HB 3391 In House Committee
HB 3392 In House Committee
HB 3393 In House Committee
HB 3394 In House Committee
HB 3395 In House Committee
HB 3396 In House Committee
HB 3397 In House Committee
HB 3398 In House Committee
HB 3399 In House Committee
HB 3400 In House Committee
HB 3401 In House Committee
HB 3402 In House Committee
HB 3403 In House Committee
HB 3404 In House Committee
HB 3405 In House Committee
HB 3406 In House Committee
HB 3407 In House Committee
HB 3408 In House Committee
HB 3409 In House Committee
HB 3410 In House Committee
HB 3411 In House Committee
HB 3412 In House Committee
HB 3413 In House Committee
HB 3414 In House Committee
HB 3415 In House Committee
HB 3416 In House Committee
HB 3417 In House Committee
HB 3418 In House Committee
HB 3429 In House Committee
HB 3452 In House Committee
HB 3467 In House Committee
HB 3468 In House Committee
HB 3470 In House Committee
HB 3473 In House Committee
HB 3474 In House Committee
HB 3488 In House Committee
HB 3493 In House Committee
HB 3499 In House Committee
HB 3500 In House Committee
HB 3514 In House Committee
HB 3529 PUB 3/19/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HB 3537 In House Committee
HB 3538 In House Committee
HB 3569 In House Committee
HB 3595 In House Committee
HB 3599 In House Committee
HB 3638 In House Committee
HB 3641 In House Committee
HB 3643 PUB 3/17/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HB 3656 In House Committee
HB 3682 In House Committee
HB 3685 In House Committee
HB 3686 In House Committee
HB 3687 In House Committee
HB 3714 In House Committee
HB 3723 In House Committee
HB 3741 In House Committee
HB 3768 In House Committee
HB 3777 In House Committee
HB 3785 In House Committee
HB 3803 In House Committee
HB 3872 In House Committee
HB 3883 In House Committee
HB 3887 In House Committee
HB 3907 In House Committee
HB 3908 In House Committee
HCR 1 Filed with Secretary of State
HCR 3 In House Committee
HCR 4 In Senate Committee
HCR 6 In House Committee
HCR 7 In House Committee
HCR 8 In House Committee
HCR 9 In Senate Committee
HCR 10 In Senate Committee
HCR 11 In House Committee
HCR 12 In Senate Committee
HCR 13 House Desk - Final Readings of Mem & Res.
HCR 16 In Senate Committee
HCR 17 House Desk - Final Readings of Mem & Res.
HCR 18 PAW 3/17/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HCR 19 PAW 3/17/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HCR 21 In House Committee
HCR 24 In House Committee
HCR 25 In House Committee
HCR 26 In House Committee
HCR 27 PAW 3/17/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HCR 28 PAW 3/17/2025 8:00 AM HR C In House Committee
HCR 29 In House Committee
HCR 30 In House Committee
HCR 31 In House Committee
HJM 2 In House Committee
HJM 3 In House Committee
HJM 4 In House Committee
HJM 5 In House Committee
HJM 6 In House Committee
HJM 7 In House Committee
HJM 8 In House Committee
HJM 9 In House Committee
HJM 11 In House Committee
HJM 13 In House Committee
HJR 1 In House Committee
HJR 2 In House Committee
HJR 3 In House Committee
HJR 4 In House Committee
HJR 5 In House Committee
HJR 6 In House Committee
HJR 7 In House Committee
HJR 8 In House Committee
HJR 9 In House Committee
HJR 10 In House Committee
HJR 11 In House Committee
HJR 12 In House Committee
HJR 13 In House Committee
HJR 14 In House Committee
HJR 15 In House Committee
HJR 16 In House Committee
HJR 17 In House Committee
HJR 18 In House Committee
HJR 19 In House Committee
HJR 20 In House Committee
HJR 21 In House Committee
HR 1 Speakers Desk - Awaiting Signature
HR 2 Speakers Desk - Awaiting Signature
HR 3 In House Committee
SB 450 In House Committee
SB 547 In House Committee
SB 584 In House Committee
SCR 5 In House Committee
SCR 6 In House Committee
SCR 7 In House Committee
SCR 8 In House Committee
SCR 11 In House Committee
SCR 12 In House Committee
SCR 13 In House Committee
SCR 15 In House Committee
SCR 16 In House Committee
SCR 18 In House Committee