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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Stacey Havely Support Terrebonne OR 97760 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Trenton Tocher Support Grants Pass 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Matylda Smith Support Astoria 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kimberly Brennan SB 976 Support Prineville 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Carolyn Decker Support Sprague River 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jacob Richard Support Scio 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Janeen Wienke Support Burns 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Sabrina Cooper Oppose Bend OR 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Annie Roach Oppose Eagle 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Dan Smith SB 976 Support Prineville 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jason Bradley Oppose Grants Pass 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Emily Mangan Oppose Eugene 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Rhonda Kingsbury Support POWELL BUTTE 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Peggy Titus Support Union 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Shelly Lessard Support Scappoose 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kelsey Palsgaard Oppose Albany 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Meredith Pierce DVM Oppose Culver 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jessica Frischman Oppose Hermiston 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Carrie Marcum SB 976 Oppose Hermiston 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Creigh Lincoln Oppose Hermiston 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Maura Mack Oppose Redmond 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Seth Kiser Oppose Canby 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Kate and Gary Bottger Oppose Elgin 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Chris Ryan Oppose Molalla 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Conner Dugan Oppose Junction City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jacquelyn Beyerlein Oppose Eugene 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kate Schoenhals Oppose Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony William Schultz Support Mitchell 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Shannon Findley Oppose BEND 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Sara Sammons Oppose Molalla 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Persia Neumann Oppose Redmond 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Wendy Krebs Oppose Bend 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Persia Neumann Oppose Redmond 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Zachary Rhodes Support Reno 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Erin Wickliffe Oppose Albany 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Sera Moran Oppose Cascadia Equine Veterinary Clinic 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Christopher Wickliffe Oppose Albany 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Sarah Puerner Support Redmond 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kayla Stone SCAAEP at OSU CCVM Oppose Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Raquel Schenone Oppose Weed California 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Dr. Cheryl Lopate Oppose Willsonville 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Lisa Neuburger Oppose Silent Wave Horse Rescue 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Renee Saxton Oppose Klamath Falls 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Barbara Kahl Oppose Yamhill 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Shawn Clark Oppose Redmond 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Holli Kingsbury Support Brothers 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Rodney Ferry Oppose Lakeview 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Doug Corey Oppose Adams 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Shanna Sallee Oppose Hermiston 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Bruce Whittle Oppose Trenton 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Cierra Buer Oppose POWELL BUTTE 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Marc Kingsbury Support Powell Butte 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Gail Colbern Oppose Ashland 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Alicia Knight Oppose Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jorge Vanegas Oppose Oregon State University - Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Paul Duff Oppose PORTLAND 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Ann Dingerson SB 976 Support Bend 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Marylee Walden Oppose Happy Valley 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Tracey Moneta Oppose Molalla 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Donna DeMoss Oppose Tualatin 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Robert Bullard Livestock owners Oppose Hillsboro 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Susan Hill Oppose Lake Oswego 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Elin Severson Oppose Beaverton 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Stephen Pappa Oppose Bend 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Melissa Robinson Oppose Portland 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Stephanie Lundin Oppose Forest Grove 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Becky Brandenburg Sherman Veterinary Clinic Oppose Wasco Oregon 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Larkyn Erickson Oppose Mulino 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Madelyn Smith Oppose Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Susan Purcell Oppose Albany 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kelly Cooper Oppose Oregon City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Stephanie Ramsey Oppose Astoria 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Chris Camp Oppose Del Oeste Equine Hospital 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony madison bazer Oppose albany 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony ROSA CALABRESE Oppose Beaverton 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Josie Walker Oppose Klamath Falls 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Barb Crabbe Oppose Oregon City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Regina Martinez Oppose Philomath OR 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Amber Varner Oppose Newberg 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Constance White Oppose Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Moriah Palmer Oppose Albany 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Katherine Connell Oppose Junction City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony SUSAN FAY self Oppose McMinnville 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Ryan Krabill Oregon Farm Bureau Support Oregon Farm Bureau 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Lindsey Moneta Larson Oppose West Linn 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Steve Sundholm Oppose Oregon City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jenny Freeborn Support Rickreall 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Valarie Zeek Oppose Molalla 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Janine Wilson DVM Oppose Damascus 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Katy Wallace MS DVM Oppose Sage Country Veterinary Service Burns 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Glenn Kolb Oppose Oregon Veterinary Medical Association 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Karen Laidley DVM Oppose Redmond 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Deena Fidler Membership Support TriCounty CattleWomen 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Roberta Valladao Support Terrebonne 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jon Goodell SB 976 Oppose Klamath Falls 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Teresa Waldroff Oppose Oregon City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Lacey Owen Oppose Centerville 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Damian Goodell Oppose Klamath Falls 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Amber Lengele Oppose Junction City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Dr. Jill Parker OVMA Oppose Philomath 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Tristin Morgan DVM Oppose Table Rock Equine White City OR 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Simran Nagi Oppose Albany 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Amber Sweeney Oppose SALEM 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Mariya Pitel Oppose Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kelsey Corkery Support Redmond 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Ciana Clifton Oppose Oregon City 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Rachel Quesnel Oppose Corvallis 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kim Keeling Oppose Enterprise Animal Hospital 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Heather Teixeira Teixeira Cattle Co. Support Terrebonne 2/20/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
Presentations Displayed in Committee

No items to display.

Floor Letters

No items to display.


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