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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Heidi Napier Oppose Grants Passs 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony D Toirres Oppose Southern Oregon 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Thena Larteri Lyons Oppose Brookings 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Kim McCarty Tenants in Oregon Support Community Alliance of Tenants 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Andrea Meyer AARP Oregon Support AARP Oregon 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Zach Lindahl Support Multifamily NW 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Lydia Slocum NHA Support Milwaukie 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Nancy Donovan LWV of Oregon Support League of Women Voters of Oregon 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Elaine Lavington Oppose ROSEBURG 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Sybil Hebb Support Oregon Law Center 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Cathy Rackham SB973 Oppose Albany 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Hannah Alzgal Unite Oregon members Support Unite Oregon 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Kelly Wine Oppose . 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Scott Wine Oppose . 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony David Wall Mr Oregon Opposes SB 973 Oppose Newberg 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Ritch Hanneman Oppose Salem 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Jimmy Jones MWVCAA Support Salem 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Rebekah Markillie Oregon Housing Alliance Support Oregon Housing Alliance 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony David Klaus Oppose Newberg 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Karen Good Oppose Salem 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Letter Olivia Grob Yoni Kahn- Northwest Pilot Project Support Multnomah County 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Olivia Grob Yoni Kahn- Northwest Pilot Project Support Multnomah County 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Bill Bold Neutral Portland 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Judith Mosteller Oppose Portland 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Karen Good Oppose Salem 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Rep Courtney Neron Support House District 26 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Tim Morris Springfield Eugene Tenant Association Support Springfield Eugene Tenant Association 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Letter Alexandra Ring Support League of Oregon Cities 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Bianetth Valdez Housing Advisory Committee Support Hillsboro 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
 Testimony Bianetth Valdez-Corrected Housing Advisory Committee Support Washington County 3/3/2025 Senate Committee On Housing and Development
Presentations Displayed in Committee

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Floor Letters

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