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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Tony Oliver Support Redmond 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Mariana Ayala Oppose Hood River 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kelly Wine Support . 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Scott Wine Support . 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Elaine Lavington Support ROSEBURG 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Brenda Smola-Foti Support Carlton 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony D Torres Support Southern Oregon 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Brenda Smola-Foti Oppose Carlton 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Nancy Hildebrandt Support Lebanon 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Bill Bold Oppose Portland 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Lesse Atkins Support Rogue River 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Terry Cook self Support Troutdale 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Dave Vanasche Vanasche Family Farm Oppose Cornelius 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Greg Luke Support BEND 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Robert Emmons LandWatch Lane County Oppose Fall Creek 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Rory Isbell COLW Oppose Central Oregon LandWatch 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Erin Hansell-Heideman Support Ione 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Sydney Cyrus Support Redmond 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Chris Robuck Thrive Hood River Oppose Hood River 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Madison Kenney Madison Kenney Oppose Friends of the Columbia Gorge 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Debbie Cox Support Salem 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Article Paul Lipscomb OLAWA Oppose Rural Sisters Area 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony James Babson Oppose Lowell 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Ryan Krabill Oregon Farm Bureau Support Oregon Farm Bureau 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Sheila Dooley Oppose Mosier 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jim Wood Oppose Post 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Dennis Rea H. T. Rea Farming Corporation Oppose Milton-Freewater 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Shauna McKain-Storey Oppose Hillsboro 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jennifer Harris-sheets Support Glendale 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Chris Robuck Union County farmers Oppose Hood River 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kristi Johnson Oppose HOOD RIVER 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Chief Brian Stewart and Chief Ben Stange Oregon Fire Chiefs Assn and SDAO Fire Districts Neutral Clackamas and Polk County Fire Districts 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Matt Rozzell Oregon Building Officials Association Neutral OBOA 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Shawn Olson OFMA Neutral Oregon Fire Marshal's Association 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Mickey Killingsworth Jefferson County Farm Bureau Oppose Jefferson County Farm Bureau 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Janice Flegel Oppose Prineville 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Jim Johnson Oppose 1000 Friends of Oregon 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Kathryn Jernstedt Jernstedt Century Farm Oppose Carlton 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Mickey Killingsworth self Oppose East of the Cascades Madras Jefferson County 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Mike McCarthy Ag for Oregon Oppose Mt Hood Parkdale 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Sandra Bishop LWV of Oregon Oppose League of Women Voters of Oregon 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony James Babson Oppose Lowell 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Greg Macpherson Self Oppose Albany 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Testimony Bobby Levy House District 58 Support Echo 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
 Letter Jim Gilbert Oppose Molalla 3/6/2025 Senate Committee On Natural Resources and Wildfire
Presentations Displayed in Committee

No items to display.

Floor Letters

No items to display.


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