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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Robert Vigil Support Springfield
 Testimony John Jonesburg III Diamond Lake Resort Support Diamond Lake
 Testimony Cody Lambert Support Roseburg
 Testimony Seth Howe Oppose Bend
 Testimony Allan Smith Support Roseburg
 Testimony Ian Fahey Support Bend
 Testimony Shea Lavalier Oppose Portland
 Testimony Karl Konecny Oppose Glide
 Testimony James Banta Oppose Bend
 Testimony Joel Stateler Support Scottsburgh
 Letter Joseph Ferguson Myself and fishing friends Oppose Springfield
 Testimony Jay Beckstead Oppose Portland
 Testimony Rene Zelaya Support Portland
 Testimony Chris Lundell Support Umpqua
 Testimony Rene Zelaya Oppose Portland
 Testimony Stephen Godin Oregon Coast Anglers Support Scottsburg
 Testimony Stephen Kucas Self Oppose Portland
 Testimony Pat Okonek Support Palatine
 Testimony Andy Archer Oppose Eugene
 Testimony John Whiteley Support 11217 S. Myrtle Rd. Myrtle Creek OR 97457
 Testimony William Paulus Oppose Portland
 Letter Jesse Robbins Redsides Chapter of Trout Unlimited Oppose Redsides Chapter of Trout Unlimited
 Testimony Patricia McQuillin Voss Support Estacada
 Testimony Becky McRae Oppose Tigard
 Testimony Alex Hardison Oppose Bend
 Testimony Frederick Colwell Blueback Chapter of Trout Unlimited Oppose Blueback Chapter of Trout Unlimited
 Testimony Kori Sparks Oppose 97701
 Testimony Michael Barsamian Oppose Portland
 Testimony Jim Myron Myself Oppose Canby
 Testimony Gary Howe Oppose Redmond
Presentations Displayed in Committee

No items to display.

Floor Letters

No items to display.


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