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2025 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Anthony Taylor Support SUBLIMITY 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony JL Wilson Oppose Oregon State Chamber of Commerce 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Letter Tyler Ernst OFIC Oppose Portland 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Letter Elizabeth Porter Support Eugene 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Letter Tyler Ernst OFIC Oppose Portland 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Carmelle Bielenberg Local Business Oppose Stayton Sublimity Chamber of Commerce 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Mindy Garlington Self Oppose Gladstone 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Paloma Sparks Oppose Oregon Business and Industry 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Jerry Carlson Oppose Oregon City 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Ron Kutch Oppose Bay Area Chamber of Commerce 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Alicia Bermes Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce Oppose Beaverton 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Debra Fromdahl Oppose Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
 Testimony Megan De Salvo Tigard Area Chamber of Commerce Oppose Tigard 2/24/2025 Senate Committee On Judiciary
Presentations Displayed in Committee

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Floor Letters

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