2025 Regular Session
At the request of: | |
Chief Sponsors: | |
Regular Sponsors: | |
Bill Title: | Relating to summer camp training for certain University of Oregon students; declaring an emergency. |
Catchline/Summary: | Provides moneys to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission to be distributed to the University of Oregon for purposes of a pilot program training graduate-level students who are learning to become speech-language pathologists to use a family-centered approach when serving children with augmentative and alternative communication needs in a traditional overnight summer camp setting. |
Chapter Number: | |
Fiscal Impact: | May Have Fiscal Impact, But No Statement Yet Issued |
Revenue Impact: | |
Measure Analysis: | Staff Measure Summary / Impact Statements |
Current Location: | In House Committee |
Current Committee: | House Committee On Higher Education and Workforce Development |
Current Subcommittee: | |
Subsequent Referral(s): | |
Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanations: | Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanation Documents |