2025 Regular Session
Meeting Details 03/11/2025 1:00 PM, HR E
Committee Action
Public Hearing - Heard
No amendments to display
Staff Analyses and Reports
Document Type | Title | Submitter | Posted Date And Time |
Witness Registration | SB 1039 (witness registration) | staff | 3/11/2025 3:06 PM |
Preliminary SMS | SB 1039 Preliminary SMS | Staff | 3/7/2025 1:59 PM |
Presentations Displayed in Committee
No public testimony to display in committee
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title | Submitter | Position | Org. or City of Res | Posted Date And Time |
Letter | Samantha Berg, on behalf of Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine | Support | Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine | 3/3/2025 9:51 AM |
Testimony | Wannasiri Lapcharoensap | Support | Portland | 3/4/2025 4:03 PM |
Testimony | Kestrel Gates | Support | Astoria | 3/7/2025 11:32 AM |
Testimony | Jennifer Pierce | Support | Lincoln City | 3/7/2025 11:54 AM |
Testimony | Katy King, on behalf of Julia Tasset MD | Support | ACOG | 3/7/2025 2:52 PM |
Testimony | Silke Akerson, on behalf of Oregon Perinatal Collaborative | Support | Oregon Perinatal Collaborative | 3/7/2025 4:42 PM |
Testimony | Lily Ben-Avi | Support | Portland | 3/9/2025 1:53 PM |
Testimony | Diana Smith, on behalf of The Nurture Collaborative | Support | Project Nurture Legacy Health | 3/10/2025 12:09 PM |
Testimony | Jennifer Atkisson, on behalf of Assoc Womens Health Obstetric Neonatal Nurses | Support | PORTLAND | 3/10/2025 12:40 PM |
Testimony | Roberta Hunte | Support | Portland | 3/10/2025 12:41 PM |
Letter | Andrea Keating | Support | Oregon Midwifery Council | 3/10/2025 1:16 PM |
Testimony | Anna Gill | Support | Santiam Hospital | 3/10/2025 1:35 PM |
Testimony | Emily Yeast, on behalf of Oregon Affiliate of the ACNM | Support | Oregon Affiliate of the ACNM | 3/10/2025 2:15 PM |
Testimony | Ami Hanna | Support | Comagine Health | 3/10/2025 3:31 PM |
Testimony | Kristine Bell | Support | Providence | 3/10/2025 5:13 PM |
Testimony | Gina Cole | Support | Legacy Health | 3/10/2025 6:00 PM |
Testimony | Karen Archabald, on behalf of Legacy Health | Support | Portland | 3/10/2025 6:38 PM |
Letter | Karen Gibbins - Corrected, on behalf of Oregon Health and Science University | Support | Oregon Health and Science University | 3/11/2025 8:20 AM |
Letter | Jessica McElreath | Support | Burns | 3/11/2025 10:14 AM |
Testimony | Martha Rivera Canjura, on behalf of Oregon Doula Association | Support | Medford | 3/11/2025 11:15 AM |
Testimony | Courtni Dresser | Support | Oregon Medical Association | 3/11/2025 2:34 PM |
Testimony | Aaron Caughey | Support | Oregon Perinatal Collaborative | 3/12/2025 7:11 AM |
Testimony | David Wall, on behalf of Mr Oregon OPPOSES SB 1039 | Oppose | Newberg | 3/12/2025 3:30 PM |
Testimony | Desha Holden-Nelson, on behalf of Black Futures for Perinatal Health | Support | Portland | 3/13/2025 9:50 AM |
Testimony | Betsy Boyd-Flynn, on behalf of Oregon AFP | Support | Oregon AFP | 3/13/2025 12:04 PM |
- The views and opinions expressed in the Public Testimony submitted are those of the submitter and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Oregon Legislature.
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