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2025 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2069 -1 Adopted 2/17/2025 2:45 PM
HR 3 -1 Proposed 2/18/2025 8:13 AM
HR 3 -2 Proposed 2/21/2025 8:45 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material HRULES Committee LC Summary staff
Meeting Material LC3294_DRAFT_2025_Regular_Session HRULES
Meeting Material LC4595_DRAFT_2025_Regular_Session HRULES
Meeting Material DAS Audit Overview - Eli Ritchie (presentation) Eli Ritchie, Chief Audit Executive, Department of Administrative Services
Meeting Material Secretary of State Audits Division Overview - Michael Kaplan & Steve Bergmann (presentation) Michael Kaplan & Steve Bergmann, Office of the Secretary of State
Preliminary SMS HB 2069 HB 2069 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2069 IS_Impact HB 2069 1 Staff
Witness Registration HB 2454 HB 2454 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2454 HB 2454 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2454 Rep. Bowman and Rep. Wallan (presentation) Rep. Ben Bowman and Rep. Kim Wallan
Preliminary SMS HB 3328 HB 3328 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 3328 IS_Impact HB 3328 INTRO Staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 3328 IS_Impact HB 3328 INTRO Staff
Preliminary SMS HR 1 HR 1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Preliminary SMS HR 2 HR 2 Preliminary SMS Staff
Preliminary SMS HR 3 HR 3 -1, -2 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HR 3 Rep. Travis Nelson (testimony) Rep. Travis Nelson, House District 44