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2025 Regular Session
Assigned Measures
Bill Meeting Type Upcoming Meeting Date & time Location Current Location In Committee
HB 2012 In House Committee
HB 2032 In House Committee
HB 2045 In House Committee
HB 2047 In House Committee
HB 2049 In House Committee
HB 2053 In House Committee
HB 2055 WRK 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2101 In House Committee
HB 2104 In House Committee
HB 2107 In House Committee
HB 2142 In House Committee
HB 2172 In House Committee
HB 2173 In House Committee
HB 2174 In House Committee
HB 2175 PPW 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2183 WRK 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2189 In House Committee
HB 2191 In House Committee
HB 2192 In House Committee
HB 2196 In House Committee
HB 2230 In House Committee
HB 2233 In House Committee
HB 2255 In House Committee
HB 2293 In House Committee
HB 2294 In House Committee
HB 2295 In House Committee
HB 2296 In House Committee
HB 2298 In House Committee
HB 2299 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2300 In House Committee
HB 2302 In House Committee
HB 2303 In House Committee
HB 2306 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2309 In House Committee
HB 2310 In House Committee
HB 2311 WRK 4/3/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2312 In House Committee
HB 2313 In House Committee
HB 2315 In House Committee
HB 2360 In House Committee
HB 2383 In House Committee
HB 2391 In House Committee
HB 2396 In House Committee
HB 2397 In House Committee
HB 2427 In House Committee
HB 2428 In House Committee
HB 2440 In House Committee
HB 2456 In Senate Committee
HB 2460 In Senate Committee
HB 2461 In Senate Committee
HB 2463 In Senate Committee
HB 2464 Secretary of States Office - Chapter Number Assignment
HB 2465 In Senate Committee
HB 2466 In House Committee
HB 2467 PPW 4/3/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2468 In House Committee
HB 2469 PPW 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2470 WRK 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2471 WRK 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2472 In House Committee
HB 2473 WRK 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2474 In House Committee
HB 2475 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2476 WRK 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2477 In House Committee
HB 2478 In House Committee
HB 2479 In House Committee
HB 2480 PPW 4/3/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2481 PPW 4/3/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2482 In House Committee
HB 2483 In House Committee
HB 2484 In House Committee
HB 2485 In House Committee
HB 2486 In House Committee
HB 2487 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2488 PPW 4/3/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2489 In House Committee
HB 2490 In House Committee
HB 2491 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2492 PPW 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2493 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2494 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2495 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2496 In House Committee
HB 2497 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2498 In House Committee
HB 2499 In House Committee
HB 2522 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2533 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2534 In House Committee
HB 2535 In House Committee
HB 2543 In House Committee
HB 2555 WRK 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2592 In House Committee
HB 2600 In House Committee
HB 2601 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2602 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2603 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2604 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2605 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2606 In House Committee
HB 2607 In House Committee
HB 2608 In House Committee
HB 2609 In House Committee
HB 2610 In House Committee
HB 2611 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2612 In House Committee
HB 2613 In House Committee Awaiting transfer to Desk
HB 2614 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2615 In House Committee
HB 2616 In House Committee
HB 2617 In House Committee
HB 2618 In House Committee
HB 2619 In House Committee
HB 2620 In House Committee
HB 2621 In House Committee
HB 2622 In House Committee
HB 2623 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2624 In House Committee
HB 2625 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2626 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2627 In House Committee
HB 2628 In House Committee
HB 2629 In House Committee
HB 2630 In House Committee
HB 2631 In House Committee
HB 2632 PPW 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2633 PPW 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2634 In House Committee
HB 2635 In House Committee
HB 2636 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2637 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2638 In House Committee
HB 2639 PPW 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2640 In House Committee
HB 2641 PPW 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2644 In House Committee
HB 2645 In House Committee
HB 2646 In House Committee
HB 2662 In House Committee
HB 2666 In House Committee
HB 2667 In House Committee
HB 2668 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2677 WRK 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2697 In House Committee
HB 2710 In House Committee
HB 2712 PPW 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2733 In House Committee
HB 2734 In House Committee
HB 2747 In House Committee
HB 2759 In House Committee
HB 2762 In House Committee
HB 2766 In House Committee
HB 2771 In House Committee
HB 2774 In House Committee
HB 2779 In House Committee
HB 2780 In House Committee
HB 2804 House Desk - Third Reading
HB 2807 Senate Desk - Awaiting First Reading
HB 2810 In House Committee
HB 2812 Senate Desk - Awaiting First Reading
HB 2819 In Senate Committee
HB 2826 In House Committee
HB 2831 In House Committee
HB 2833 In House Committee
HB 2849 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2851 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2855 In House Committee
HB 2868 In House Committee
HB 2897 In House Committee
HB 2899 In House Committee
HB 2905 In House Committee
HB 2915 Senate Desk - Awaiting First Reading
HB 2916 In Senate Committee
HB 2926 In Senate Committee
HB 2933 In Senate Committee
HB 2934 In House Committee
HB 2935 In Senate Committee
HB 2974 In House Committee
HB 2975 WRK 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 2989 In House Committee
HB 3001 In House Committee
HB 3051 WRK 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3058 In House Committee
HB 3061 In House Committee
HB 3066 In House Committee
HB 3067 PPW 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3068 In House Committee
HB 3069 PPW 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3070 In House Committee
HB 3071 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3072 In House Committee
HB 3073 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3074 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3075 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3076 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3080 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3093 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3095 In House Committee
HB 3097 PPW 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3118 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3140 In House Committee
HB 3161 In House Committee
HB 3174 WRK 3/31/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3180 In House Committee
HB 3194 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3195 In Senate Committee
HB 3196 In House Committee
HB 3198 In House Committee
HB 3239 In House Committee
HB 3278 In House Committee
HB 3289 In House Committee
HB 3318 In House Committee
HB 3323 WRK 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3347 In House Committee
HB 3368 In House Committee
HB 3376 In House Committee
HB 3381 In House Committee
HB 3424 In House Committee
HB 3425 In House Committee
HB 3426 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3443 PPW 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3445 In House Committee
HB 3464 In House Committee
HB 3515 In House Committee
HB 3524 In House Committee
HB 3551 In House Committee
HB 3553 PPW 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3555 In House Committee
HB 3559 In House Committee
HB 3564 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3581 In House Committee
HB 3582 WRK 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3583 In House Committee
HB 3584 In House Committee
HB 3585 In House Committee
HB 3586 In House Committee
HB 3603 In House Committee
HB 3604 WRK 4/9/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3608 In House Committee
HB 3619 In House Committee
HB 3633 In House Committee
HB 3637 In House Committee
HB 3658 In House Committee
HB 3666 WRK 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3677 In House Committee
HB 3683 In House Committee
HB 3689 In House Committee
HB 3693 In House Committee
HB 3697 In House Committee
HB 3711 In House Committee
HB 3715 In House Committee
HB 3718 In House Committee
HB 3726 In House Committee
HB 3742 In House Committee
HB 3763 In House Committee
HB 3766 WRK 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3770 In House Committee
HB 3781 In House Committee
HB 3793 In House Committee
HB 3805 In House Committee
HB 3815 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3816 PPW 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3819 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3825 PPW 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3829 In House Committee
HB 3836 In House Committee
HB 3839 PPW 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3854 In House Committee
HB 3873 In House Committee
HB 3884 PPW 4/3/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3890 In House Committee
HB 3896 In House Committee
HB 3913 In House Committee
HB 3917 PPW 4/1/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3922 In House Committee
HB 3926 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3929 WRK 4/2/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3935 PPW 4/8/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
HB 3948 PPW 4/7/2025 3:00 PM HR F In House Committee
SB 97 In House Committee
SB 98 In House Committee
SB 162 In House Committee
SB 166 In House Committee
SB 167 In House Committee
SB 168 In House Committee
SB 170 In House Committee
SB 179 In House Committee
SB 385 In House Committee
SB 548 In House Committee
SB 599 In House Committee
SB 710 In House Committee
SB 813 In House Committee
SB 816 In House Committee
SB 818 In House Committee
SB 890 In House Committee
SB 959 In House Committee
SB 993 In House Committee
SJM 2 In House Committee