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2023 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2757 -A3 Proposed 4/26/2023 4:24 PM
HB 3457 -2 Proposed 4/26/2023 2:58 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Review of Formula Revenue Allocation April 2023 LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 2757 HB 2757 A Preliminary SMS LRO
Witness Registration HB 2757 HB 2757 A Witness Registration Report LRO
Presentation HB 2757 Dwight Holton (presentation) Dwight Holton, Chief Executive Officer, Lines for Life
Presentation HB 3194 Minor Construction Definition HREV 4-27-23 LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 3194 HB 3194 SMS -1-3 LRO
Meeting Material HB 3457 HB 3457-2 by Section LRO
Presentation HB 3461 Property Tax Deferral for Wildfire Victims HREV 4-27-23 LRO
Preliminary SMS HB 3461 HB 3461 SMS LRO