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2022 Regular Session
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title Submitter On Behalf of Position City or Organization Meeting Committee
 Testimony Cathie Allman Oppose Bend 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Ruth Gulyas Oppose LeadingAge Oregon 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Trish Garner Support American Association of University Women of Oregon 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Georgia Applegate Support AAUW of OR Grants Pass 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Claire Berger Support AAUW of OR Forest Grove 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Stacey Heath Support Eugene 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Chad Ludwig Deaf DeafBlind Hard of Hearing Community Unknown Bridges Oregon Inc 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony James Manning State Senator James Manning Unknown Senate District 7 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Regina Ayars Unknown AAUW of OR Ashland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Lisa Phipps Unknown AAUW of OR Tillamoos 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Kevin Call Unknown Family Resource Home Care 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Libby Batlan Unknown OHCA 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Mary Renaud Support AAUW of OR Ashland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Marie Mueller Support AAUW of OR Salem 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Katie Bomberger Support AAUW of OR Baker 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Claudia Gray Support AAUW of OR Portland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Susan Deeming Support AAUW of OR Durham 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Kathleen Raetz Support AAUW of OR Portland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Sharron Noone Support AAUW of OR Portland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Lisa Verner Support AAUW of OR Ashland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Mary Pat Silveira Support AAUW of OR West Linn 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Katie Goodwin Support AAUW of OR Gresham 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Lesley Kaufman Support AAUW of OR Ashland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Penney Hoodenpyle Support AAUW of OR Aloha 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Barbara Gaines Support AAUW of OR Portland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Tricia Howell Support AAUW of OR Seaside 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Pamela Berg Support AAUW of OR Lake Oswego 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Cathe Ledford Support AAUW of OR Talent 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Jo Rossman Support AAUW of OR Hillsboro and Forest Grove 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Pat Bath Support AAUW of OR Grants Pass 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Kathy Brandon Support AAUW of OR Ashland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Jim Davis Ore St Cn Retired Citizens United Srs of Ore OCL Support Portland 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Helen Kao Support Corvallis 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Alice Miller Support SEIU Local 503 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Jewel Nelson Support Eugene 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Ashley Cesario Support Klamath Falls 2/3/2022 Senate Committee On Human Services, Mental Health and Recovery
 Testimony Donna Bleiler Oppose Salem 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
 Testimony David Wall Mr Oregon Opposes SB 1556 Oppose Newberg 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
 Testimony Libby Batlan Support Oregon Health Care Association 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
 Testimony Deb Patterson Support Salem 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
 Testimony Albert Lee Oregon Commission for Women Support Oregon Advocacy Commissions Office 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
 Testimony Glenna Hayes Support UCP Connections UCP Mentors 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
 Testimony Jim Davis Or St Cn for Retired Citizens United Srs OCL Support Portland 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
 Testimony Courtney Neron Support HD 26 2/22/2022 Senate Committee On Rules
Presentations Displayed in Committee
Floor Letters
Chamber Description Submitter(s) Measure Third Reading Submitted
Senate Caregiver Certification Sen Patterson SB 1556 3/2/2022
House Support for SB 1556 Rep Williams SB 1556 3/3/2022


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