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2021 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 51 -1 Proposed 2/5/2021 3:46 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS SB 51 SB 51 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SB 51 SB 51 (witness registration) staff
Presentation SB 51 Jessica Ventura (answers to questions) (POST-MEETING FOLLOW-UP) Jessica Ventura, Oregon Department of Education
Preliminary SMS SB 92 SB 92 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SB 92 SB 92 (witness registration) staff
Presentation SB 92 Sen. Sara Gelser (Substantiated Allegations of Abuse) (POST-MEETING FOLLOW-UP) Sen. Sara Gelser, Senate District 8
Presentation SB 92 Nicole Stapp (Background and Briefing) (POST-MEETING FOLLOW-UP) Nicole Stapp, Senior Legislative Policy Analyst, Oregon Department of Human Services
Presentation SB 92 ONPA (testimony) (POST-MEETING FOLLOW-UP) The Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association (ONPA)
Preliminary SMS SB 93 SB 93 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS SB 135 SB 135 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SB 135 SB 135 (witness registration) staff
Preliminary SMS SB 280 SB 280 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS SB 386 SB 386 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SB 386 SB 386 (witness registration) staff
Presentation SB 386 ODHS (Relevant Rules on Parental notice - ODHS Response) (POST0MEETING FOLLOW-UP) Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS)