2023 Regular Session
Meeting Details 03/06/2023 8:00 AM, HR C
Committee Action
Public Hearing - Heard
Staff Analyses and Reports
Document Type | Title | Submitter | Posted Date And Time |
Preliminary SMS | SB 648 -1 Preliminary SMS | staff | 3/3/2023 1:48 PM |
Witness Registration | SB 648 (witness registration) | staff | 3/6/2023 8:46 AM |
Presentations Displayed in Committee
No public testimony to display in committee
Submitted Written Public Testimony
Title | Submitter | Position | Org. or City of Res | Posted Date And Time |
Testimony | Ben Gordon, on behalf of Central Oregon LandWatch | Oppose | Bend | 3/5/2023 11:43 AM |
Testimony | Paul Lipscomb, on behalf of OLAWA | Oppose | SISTERS | 3/5/2023 2:09 PM |
Testimony | Lauri Segel-Vaccher, on behalf of LWLC | Oppose | EUGENE | 3/5/2023 2:10 PM |
Testimony | Becky Crockett, on behalf of Curry County | Support | Curry County Planning Director | 3/5/2023 3:43 PM |
Testimony | Roger Kaye | Oppose | Friends of Marion County | 3/5/2023 4:37 PM |
Testimony | Rory Isbell | Oppose | Central Oregon LandWatch | 3/5/2023 5:04 PM |
Testimony | Sarah Deumling | Oppose | Rickreall | 3/5/2023 6:08 PM |
Testimony | Robert Bailey, on behalf of Save Helvetia | Oppose | Hillsboro | 3/5/2023 6:14 PM |
Testimony | Robert Emmons | Oppose | LandWatch Lane County | 3/5/2023 8:01 PM |
Testimony | Dan Keeley | Oppose | Saint Paul | 3/5/2023 8:02 PM |
Testimony | Cameron La Follette | Oppose | Oregon Coast Alliance | 3/5/2023 9:20 PM |
Testimony | James Babson | Oppose | Lowell | 3/5/2023 9:53 PM |
Testimony | Aileen Kaye | Oppose | Turner | 3/5/2023 10:43 PM |
Testimony | Aileen Kaye | Oppose | Turner | 3/5/2023 10:55 PM |
Testimony | Andrew Mulkey | Oppose | 1000 Friends of Oregon | 3/6/2023 6:47 AM |
Testimony | Monica Kirk | Oppose | Depoe Bay | 3/6/2023 5:29 PM |
Testimony | Monica Kirk | Oppose | Depoe Bay | 3/6/2023 5:48 PM |
Testimony | Andrew Mulkey, on behalf of 1000 Friends of Oregon | Oppose | 1000 Friends of Oregon | 3/7/2023 7:08 AM |
Testimony | David Wall, on behalf of Mr Oregon Opposes SB 648 | Oppose | Newberg | 3/7/2023 9:27 AM |
Testimony | Nico Salter, on behalf of Thrive Hood River | Oppose | Hood River | 3/7/2023 9:37 AM |
Testimony | Mike McCarthy, on behalf of McCarthy Family Farm LLC | Oppose | Parkdale | 3/7/2023 11:48 AM |
Testimony | John White | Oppose | Creswell | 3/7/2023 10:47 PM |
- The views and opinions expressed in the Public Testimony submitted are those of the submitter and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Oregon Legislature.
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